Thursday, October 28, 2021

I'm not single in both worlds...anymore!

I was asked if I would write a blog post that would update my last one, which apparently was quite woeful on the single existence I had been living and my inability to meet men who are in world when I am.  In exchange, I would become a "pick" in his profile.  This man drives a hard deal (ha!)

Being asked that made me go back and read that post because I hadn't remembered it being woeful or a downer on meeting people.  But this guy can read me and that was underlying tone.  He keeps saying he "knows me too well.” Perhaps he does, but he's got some surprises in store.

So yeah, not single. We're going together to take down our boards at Lonely Hearts Dating.  Kind of a fun date, huh?  Follow that up with pizza.  

So if you read the last one, my frustration was meeting guys that weren't in world when I was or in reality, in world such a short time together.  Well, guess who I met?  Yea.  Again.  Another not in world often at the same times.  But know what?  This is THE guy.  The convo was amazing from the start.  Battle of intelligence at times.  He likes to challenge me or think he has a tidbit I won't know about. But I surprise him.  I think we both like that.  Our time is quality and good.  My boundaries have slipped and now we are often on discord for hours.  Touch base.  Home.  Comfort.  That is what he's become.  I'm a believer in fighting for relationships.  The special ones are rare and hard to find.  We make our time work and find additional time. Because it's worth fighting for. We click.  I'm betting there will soon be a time we complete each others sentences. Happens a bit, but afraid it's going to be a "communicate with a look, finish the sentence" relationship.  

So.....I've found mine.  I'm his fav batgirl and lioness and he's my king of beasts, my he lion, mine. Despite the time issue.  And my walls.  And my boundaries (which are falling.)  He's worth it.

Apparently I’ve gained an editor. He likes besting me by correcting my punctuation. He hasn’t received the memo that I make up my own rules. (I’ll take the editor and learn.) 

…..and now this is running through my head…..
I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time hear me sigh
I never had the least notion
That I could fall with so much emotion
Could you coo, could you care
For a cunning cottage that we could share
The world will pardon my mush
'Cause I have got a crush, my baby on you

(gonna guess he will be surprised I know this song and actually like the sappy thing)

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