Sunday, February 11, 2024

....and the painted ponies go up and down....

We're captive on a carousel of time.
We can't return, we can only look behind, from where we came
And go round, and round, and round in the circle game.

....and it just continues. What a wishy-washy person I am.  Decided I could deal with some issues and wanted him back with some special terms.  Well my terms meant I was compromising my values.  I got my head back and gave basically an ultimatum.  I hate ultimatums so I don't want to call it that, but basically it was.  We could do SL together if....and I wanted a decision by Valentines Day.  He weighed through all the options I had mentioned and had lots of his own thinking to do, and decided he wanted me, making the decision a few days before the big VD.

Now don't go getting into a tizzy thinking I folded or that he's controlling me (he knows I'm not controllable!).  We had lots of very calm, rational talks.  Which is the reason I adore him and how our connection began. Communication was pretty damn phenomenal. I just don't think the details are anyone's business but ours. There was never ugliness but there was a chink in our communication. You know, Mars/Venus. We're on the same page again.


Yesterday I got a delivery via Marketplace saying he had bought me a ring.  When I opened that email, my gasp sucked all the air out of RL and SL I'm sure. He said the ball is in my court now. I feel like the Hallmark movie happy ending, filled with happy tears.

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